Dirk Rombauts

Software Development fails because of communication,
not technology.

20+ years of IT experience made me excel at communication.

I guide you towards a successful project delivery.


Throughout my long career, I have aquired many skills. I gladly apply any and all of them while working with you.

Product Owner

As a Product Owner, I take responsibility for understanding the needs of the customer and delivering a solution that addresses those needs in a friction-free manner.

  • I establish a communication channel with the customer, speaking their language. I understand how software can support their work.
  • I develop a common language that both the technical developers and the non-technical customers understand.
  • I create a roadmap that delivers a Minimum Viable Product soon, while keeping an eye on evolving the full functionality.

Scrum Master

As a Scrum Master and Agile Coach, I take responsibility for enabling the Product Team to work at peak performance. I remove impediments, and provide tools and knowledge.

Software Developer

As a Software Developer, I take responsibility for delivering features. I uphold a high standard of quality, and favour robustness and ease of maintenance over "rock star code".

Requirements Engineer

As a Requirements Engineer, I take responsibility for understanding the requirements. I formulate the requirements in a way that bridges the communication gap between Business and Development.


As a Teacher, I take responsibility for spreading knowledge. I focus on providing knowledge that is improves the day-to-day tasks of the recipients.

Software Architect

As a Software Architect, I take responsibility for designing and extending an architecture that supports low-risk changes and easy verification of functionality.


If my 20+ years of experience in software development have taught me anything, it's that it's way too hard on the nerves. We misunderstand each other, we make it too complicated, the software has bugs - and the projects run late and over budget. Doesn't sound like fun, does it?

I am good at finding out how to best address the customer's needs. I am good at translating between "technobabble" and "business speak". I am good at creating plans to deliver tangible value as soon as possible.

With my personality type that lies right on the border between ENFJ and ENTJ, I am good at both uniting the whole team behind one banner and charging forward to meet the challenges head-on. To make a difference in your world is my greatest satisfaction.

If that sounds like an attractive approach to software development, then let's talk. Get in touch with me today, and discuss how I can support you.


I have had the pleasure of working with many wonderful customers over the years. Some of their impressions of working with me:

Dirk has proven to be a competent, reliable and imaginative partner in all things programming and standardizing. The World of PPC has reached a whole different level of functionality both from a content and a usability perspective thoughout the year of collaboration with Dirk.

Andreas Erle

Owner of World Of PPC

Letztes Jahr durfte ich ein Projekt für den Fachverband der Holzindustrie betreuen und dafür mit Dirk zusammenarbeiten. Die Zusammenarbeit war sowohl auf fachlicher als auch persönlicher Ebene sehr gut und konstruktiv. Dirk hört sehr genau zu, erfasst die Thematik schnell und hat die Gabe, komplexe Inhalte einfach zu formulieren und auf den Punkt zu bringen. Ihn zeichnet seine Ruhe und klare Sprache aus, die auch für Nicht-Informatiker verständlich ist. Danke Dirk, die Zusammenarbeit hat Spaß gemacht!

Nikola Groh

Project Manager

Dirk showed himself to be a reliable subcontractor who always spoke up when he felt his experience could improve the solution.

Samuel Petersen

SamSoft - Customized Software Solutions

Es war eine Freude, Dirk in unserem Team gehabt zu haben. Durch seine hohe Lösungskompetenz wurden die Anforderungen in unserem Projekt stets zu aller Zufriedenheit erledigt.

Nina Stanka

Project Manager

As a Scrum Master, Dirk was always very clear in his communication with me. He was an indispensible support when I first accepted the role of Product Owner.

Olivier Kenji Mathurin

Product Owner

In his role as Scrum Master, Dirk made sure I felt understood by the Developers. He was very generous in sharing his knowledge about agile planning methodologies and tools.

Olivier Trine

Product Owner


I walked many roads for my customers, always going the extra mile to find the treasure that puts a smile on their face.


Dirk Rombauts

Experienced Software Development Services Provider with 20+ years of experience delivering value for the customer.


Master of Science: Mathematics and Computer Science

1996 - 2000

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Conscious of the big picture. Conscious of the limitations of what a computer can do.

Teacher of Mathematics

1998 - 2000

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Transfering knowledge requires speaking the other person's language.

Professional Experience

Product Owner

2021 - 2022

Euvic Software GmbH

  • Clarify requirements with the customer
  • Prioritize features together with the customer
  • Verify the completeness of developed features
  • Present new features to the customer

Scrum Master

2011 - 2015

AIM Software GmbH

  • Make sure the Product Team was able to work at peak performance
  • Remove impediments
  • Facilitate communication between Product Owner and Product Team
  • Introduce Product Owner to knowledge and tools to support an agile workflow

BDD Coach

2016 - 2017

Pickles Pro E.U.

  • Coach teams in the successful implementation of Behaviour Driven Development
  • Teach the official SpecFlow course
  • Offer long-term coaching support

Senior Software Developer

2001 - present

Siemens PSE, TechTalk Software Support GsmH, AIM Software GmbH, Greentube IES GmbH, Euvic Software GmbH

  • Implement features in close collaboration with the Product Owner and other members of the Product Team
  • Enhance the solution's architecture
  • Review code produced by colleagues
  • Introduce new members to the Product Team
  • Spread knowledge by holding internal workshops
  • Ensure the quality of the code by applying design patterns and providing test coverage
  • Ensure consistent API design and quality

Open Source Software Maintainer

2013 - present

Pickles - the Living Documentation Generator

  • Implement features
  • Review code by other contributors
  • Produce new releases
  • Maintain web site


Product Owner, Scrum Master & Developer

A self-confessed allrounder, with a full toolset.

Hardened in the fires of .NET software development, I leave no stone unturned, no avenue unexplored, to give you the benefit you are paying for.